Ab Workout Routine Blueprint

Ab Workout Routine Blueprint

The best ab workout routine consists of 3 things:
Cardio- Cardio has the greatest effect on body fat %, and since a high percentage of excess body fat goes straight to your belly, you really want to keep your percentage low to reveal your abs. If your just doing ab workouts then your only doing 1/3 of what it takes. You can get your abs in shape as much as you want but if you have a layer of fat on top of them they will still be hidden.
Ab Workouts- Whether you are a beginner or advanced, just learn how to keep your abs hot and pumped with the right workouts. If your heart rate is up, the sweat is dripping, and your doing your workouts till it feels like its knocking the breath out of you, then your doing it right. When it feels like you cant do anymore, then do three more. Always progress, always move forward, do three more reps in each set than you did the other day. If you do the same rep counts week in and week out then you will get the same results, but if your stepping up and moving up than so will your progress.
Nutrition- Live it, Learn it, Love it. If its not already in your ab workout routine then add it. Fight the urges of deserts and sweets and don't cheat yourself. I'm not saying it all has to go away but the less fat you put into your body the less work you have to do to achieve your goal. Watch what you eat, take time to check those little nutrition facts. It adds up fast.
Get your body temperature up! Get your heart rate pumping and make your body temperature rise a degree or two. Ever wonder why when your at home sick for several days with a high temperature and you go to step on the scale you've suddenly lost 5 or 10 pounds. Well when your temperature is up then your body is working harder to cool it down causing it to use more fuel. The fuel consists of fat and protein and when those tanks are empty it starts dipping into your body fat. The more constant your reps and workouts are, the higher you keep your temperature and the faster you burn your fuel(fat).
Never, Never, Never miss meals. I hear it time and time again how people say well I skipped breakfast or I just ate an apple for lunch. Not only is that bad for you, but your body reacts to that by slowing down your metabolism so that it doesn't burn all of your resources needed to run your body. Your metabolism is what burns fat. Healthy food is what builds muscles and the more muscles you have the more fat you burn.
What is the best fat burner? Muscle itself is the quickest way to burn fat so feed and recover them well. The more muscle your body has, the faster your fat furnace burns.
Ab Workout Routine:
This workout is designed to keep you moving at a quick pace with little to no rest. Your ab muscles have to be trained to get in shape just like running. You don't just go out and run two 2 miles you have to work up to it first.
Rep Counts
Beginner- 90 total reps
Intermediate- 180 total reps
Advanced- 270 total reps
Extreme- 360+ total reps
There will be 3 sections of your abs we will target; your obliques(side abs), upper, and lower abs.
You will do 10 reps upper, then 10 lower, then 10 obliques and start over until total rep count is reached. You will do a left oblique rep then a right oblique rep to count as one rep.

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